“In order to provide the best service to our customers, we are committed to offering high-quality heavy equipment spare parts at affordable prices, all backed by a warranty. We understand that heavy equipment is a significant investment for our customers, and therefore, we are dedicated to providing the best solutions to maintain and enhance the performance of their machinery.”

Ivan Limpah
Presiden Direktur

PT Ilamos Pasifik Indonesia is a company working on seal kits and spare parts replacement for heavy equipment brands such as Sany, Komatsu, Hitachi, Kobelco, Caterpillar, Doosan, Sumitomo, Hyundai, Volvo, and others. The products we sell are trademarked in Indonesia under the brand LOMOS. PT Ilamos Pasifik Indonesia strives to serve and deliver the best for our customers.


We strive to become the best and trusted provider of seal kits and heavy equipment spare parts in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and eventually in the Asia-Pacific.


Our mission is to provide a ‘One Stop Service with Excellent Quality and Best Managed Indonesian Corporation,’ ensuring that customers receive the best service and high-quality products at competitive prices.

We manage the business through best practices by optimizing excellent human resources, leveraging beneficial technology, and fostering synergistic support from distributors to consumers and users of our products.

Loyal Customers

Jl. Krekot Bunder Raya no 47AB Pasar Baru 10710, Sawah Besar, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta.

2024 Designed by Adorable Media


Tooth adalah bagian yang sangat penting pada bucket excavator. Fungsinya utama adalah untuk menghancurkan dan menggali material. Berikut adalah beberapa tipe tooth dari PT. Ilamos Pasifik Indonesia :

  • Tooth Standard
  • Tooth Tiger
  • Tooth RC (Crocodile)
  • Point Ripper

Lip Shroud

Komponen pelapis tambahan yang dipasang pada bagian bibir (lip) bucket excavator. Komponen ini memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan umur pakai bucket.

Heel Shroud

Komponen tambahan yang dipasang pada bagian bawah belakang bucket excavator, tepat di dekat area yang disebut “heel”. Komponen ini memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan kinerja dan umur pakai bucket.


Adapter menciptakan titik sambungan yang kuat antara tooth dan bucket, sehingga tooth dapat terpasang dengan kokoh dan tidak mudah lepas saat digunakan untuk menggali atau menghancurkan material.

Side Cutter

Side cutter membantu memotong material di sisi-sisi bucket, sehingga material lebih mudah terangkat dan masuk ke dalam bucket.